Osteopatia y Coaching - Espai Coos

Do you suffer from pain, tiredness or anxiety on a daily basis and has it become your way of life? Get your best version and change your life.

ATTENTION, ENERGY AND FOCUS If you change everything changes!

Find out what our customers say.

Mª Àngels






Do you want to improve your physical and emotional well-being?

    Combination of osteopathy and coaching:

    Discover the innovative method that is succeeding all over the world. When we are not coherent with ourselves and our well-being, this directly affects our health. That is why physical pain, intestinal malfunction, dizziness and fatigue, extreme tiredness, insomnia or anxiety appear on many occasions. The combination of osteopathy and coaching can help patients improve their quality of life, reduce stress, increase energy and achieve a general sense of well-being.
    Osteopatia y Coaching - Espai Coos

    I guide and accompany you physically and emotionally towards your path of health and well-being.

    "Through osteopathy and coaching I help people make necessary changes and resolve physical symptoms

    But why do we get sick?

    Pro no perdonar

    For not forgiving

    Por callar lo que sentimos

    To shut up what we feel

    Demasiadas cargas

    By taking on too many loads

    Coaching and osteopathy: to improve your health.

    Coaching and osteopathy are two disciplines that are more interrelated than you might think. Both coincide in providing knowledge and techniques to help a person feel better. However, each of them addresses, in principle, different facets of being.

    What is stress and how does it affect your health?

    Work, schedules, family and partner situations – sometimes accompanied by a toxic environment – ​​mean that, at one time or another, we can all feel stressed. Stress is a common feeling and, in a way, necessary. Stress triggers us and tells us that there is something we need to pay attention to.

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